General Information
Breton House is a residential facility that offers eight beds for women 19 years of age or older, who are wanting to make changes to their substance use. Residents can expect to take part in groups in Breton House and out in the community as well as attend 12 Step meetings. Breton House is a scent-free and smoke-free environment, with a designated smoking area outside. To ensure the safety of all, there is a zero-tolerance for the use of alcohol or other drugs while residing at Breton House, and there is zero-tolerance for violent threats or actions towards residents or staff and residents are expected to refrain from illegal activity.
Mission: Improve the health and well-being of women with substance abuse issues by offering opportunities for growth and change
Vision: Women empowered by hope
Admission Criteria
Prospective residents will need call Breton House to complete an initial screening form with a staff member. Prospective residents will then recieve a phone call at the contact number listed on the screening form with seven (7) days from a counsellor who will review the information given and give further expectations regarding weekly check ins and any other information that the prospective client will need while on our waitlist.
Prospective residents must have addiction-specific issues to meet admission requirements.
Key Points:
- Breton House is a smoke-free and scent-free environment;
- Medications will need to be in properly labelled containers including your name, the medication and dosage. Blister packs are highly recommended for all incoming residents and it is encouraged for all prospective clients to have a minimum of three (3) months of refills for all active medications;
- Any residents on methadone/suboxone, must be on a stable dose. Breton House can discuss further information regarding methadone/suboxone during the initial intake process.
- If Breton House is unable to accommodate an admission, you will be put on a waitlist and contacted as a bed becomes available.
- Breton House requires a minimum commitment for three months and can stay for up to one year.
During Your Stay
Once at Breton House, you will be assigned a primary counsellor who you can meet with to discuss your goals. You will also be put on a buddy system for two weeks upon admission.
Residents are expected to participate in 12 Step meetings, groups at Breton House, and groups in the community. Residents are assigned therapeutic duties, and are expected to complete them as required.
What to Bring
- Seasonally appropriate clothing and shoes
- Personal toiletries and hygiene products
- All prescribed medications in the properly labelled containers (multi vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B12, and Vitamin B complex are accepted). Any other vitamins will need to be approved by a doctor
- Health card
- Phone card
- Proof of income
- Alarm clock
- Any other items to make you feel comfortable (slippers, small personal radio, books, etc.)
What NOT to Bring:
- Clothing that advertises or glorifies drug or alcohol use
- Personal vehicle
- Any electronic devices (residents may bring a personal radio)
- Unapproved medications. Any medications needing to be brought to Breton House should be disclosed to staff during the intake process, and can be discussed with staff at that time.
- Alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons
Once you have arrived at Breton House, your belongings will be searched to ensure the safety of residents and staff, and all clothing will be laundered and you will be shown around the house. Residents will need to complete a financial needs assessment during their stay, and may need to pay up to $15.00 a day for room and board.
What to Expect:
Residents will be expected to attend 12 Step meetings, groups in house and out in the community, complete daily therapeutic duties, and attend meetings with their primary counsellors. Other programs residents can expect are:
- Women’s Issues groups
- Meditation
- Life Skills
- Health education
- Art therapy
- Anger Management
- Daily walks
Key Points:
- Bring appropriate clothing for physical activity (running shoes, workout clothes, bathing suit)
- We ask you to limit your contact with friends and family during the first week of your stay. This helps you settle into Breton House and become familiar with other residents and staff
- We have limited space, so please pack accordingly
- Residents attending Breton House, may be required to attend a withdrawal management/detox prior to admittance for assessment. This will be discussed with staff during the intake process
- Client information will be taken and put into provincial database
- If residents are not accepted to Breton House, or discharged prematurely, residents may appeal the decision. Ask staff for more information.
After Breton House
As residents are ready to discharge from the program, your primary counsellor will work with you to create a continuing plan back in your community, including referrals to appropriate agencies. If you are living in the area, Breton House may be able to offer out-patient counselling based on availability which can be discussed with your primary counsellor prior to discharge. Please be aware that Breton House can only store belongings after discharge for a maximum of 48 hours.